Ouch, my heart: the Mareeba rock wallaby
Meet the adorable Mareeba rock wallaby (Petrogale mareeba), found in just one place in the world.
Meet the adorable Mareeba rock wallaby (Petrogale mareeba), found in just one place in the world.
Remember, back in the day, when all of our dinosaur toys looked like this beautifully posed Hydrosaurus lizard?
Yellow crazy ants are the worst.
How is the mahogany glider not a household name?
This tiny cephalopod was born to work from home. It’s not just the fact that it has its jammies on 24/7 (it’s going camera-off, thanks very much), but – and let’s be honest here – the striped pyjama squid might look cute, but it’s not a great hang.
Is anyone else weirdly intimidated right now? The slick, super-streamlined look of the southern right whale dolphin comes courtesy of its missing dorsal fin – a rare feature among dolphins.
Do you know what a cockatoo smells like? How about a king parrot? Most of us have only really smelled an ibis (and not by choice – their odour precedes them by about half a block), but did you know that some birds actually smell great?
Whether it’s fleas or ticks, hookworms or heartworms, bedbugs or lice, a horrifying array of parasites lurk in every corner, ready and waiting for a suitable host. These tiny creatures are irksome enough, but what’s truly terrifying is the parasites that completely overwhelm their hosts’ bodies, turning them into zombified shells.
Sydney, it’s your time to shine, because this beautiful little frog has made its choice. Found nowhere else on Earth except a tiny pocket in the Sydney Basin, the red-crowned toadlet (Pseudophryne australis) is a rare sight to see, so it’s worth knowing what to look (and hear) for.
With golden plumage sitting atop its head like ears, a tiny beak obscured by fluff and huge round eyes, the great eared nightjar looks like a plump little dragon hatchling.